QTP 12

Quick Terminal Panel - 12 keys


English PDF Technical Manual, of QTP 12 card.

Ver. 5.50 - Rel. 04 January 2007.

LIBRARY Firmware QTP 12 English Tech. Manual PDF format.

Ver. 5.50 - Rel. 13 Ganuary 2007.

QTP 12 is a complete IP 54 operator panel, specifically designed for industrial use and for direct mounting on automatic machinery. It is, in every respect, video terminals suitable to be the direct interface between operator and machinery in any of the control or comand operations which could be necessary during running or diagnostic of the same. Moreover the availability of interesting additional features make it the right component to solve many applications in the civil, domestic and/or industrial fields, always by keeping an optimum price/performance ratio.

QTP 12 is available with Alphanumeric displays by 20 characters for 2 lines in two different types: LCD type with LED backlite or Fluorescent, or alternatively with Graphic Fluorescent display with 140x16 pixel. In addition on the front panel there are: a 12 Keys membrane keyboard, a personalization label slot (used to carry a name or the user's own logo), and a status LED.

A pratical and robust metallic container, in aluminium shape with the standard DIN 72x144 size allows a direct mounting in front panel modality. A back side openings allows to reach the connectors that can be used for the required wirings. The enclosed brackets supplied with QTP 12 let the user mount and/or unmount the terminal by performing a simple rectangle digging up, on the support panel, that normally is the front side of the electric box.

QTP 12 is really usefull in all those applications where the user must visualize some messages and he must manage not more than 12 Keys. QTP 12 allows, with its EEPROM, the capability to store up to 3371 messages. These messages can be recalled by dedicated commands received through the communication line and visualizated on the display. With this feature the CPU work-time and the program space are optimized, in fact messages must not be sent to the panel every time, they are just stored inside on board EEPROM. Furthermore it is possible to get messages back through the communication line and read them again. So QTP 12 can be used as mass memory where the user can save and read set-up informations, passwords, identification codes, etc. The horizontal Scrolling attribute for the saved messages, let the user display more information on less space: on the first row of the display up to 200 characters can be shown in a self managed sliding modality.

The module's asynchronous serial line can be buffered with the most frequently used electric protocols and thanks to this feature the QTP 12 can be connected to each systems available on the market. Furthermore low cost networks of QTPs can be realized where many different Operator Panel can be contemporaneously managed. Alternatively the terminal can be driven through a synchronous I2C BUS line that allows the connection on local networks, too.
The interconnection with other devices is ensured also by the optional CAN line, that increase the possible applications fields and gives better performance of the cemplete network.

CPU section features 16K FLASH with ISP interface for comfortable programming through the asynchronous serial line. This allows an easy development environment for the user application that doesn't require any additional system, with a considerable cost reductions. The user can write the application program with 8051 compatible code, by using one of the numerous high level development tools as the convenient BASIC compiler BASCOM 8051; the efficient C compiler µC/51 or the well known LadderWORK for the users that want contacts programming. With the scope to simplify much more the development phase, there are different ready to use management Firmwares, that are briefly described below.

Hardware features of QTP 12, including possible options, are as follows:

The maximum dimension of QTP 12 are reported in the previous figure; to obtain complete mounting quotes please refer to user manual..

The maximum dimension of Mounting Brackets are reported in the previous figure

grifo® has developed two management firmwares that simplify and speed up the development of user application program on QTP 12. Basically each firmware allows the management of all the hardware resources of the operator panel at high level; in other words the user doesn't have to directly interact on the hardware sections but he must simply use the provided operations. The general features of the firmwares, including possible options, are the following ones:

Both the firmwares can be comfortably used through their rich list of commands that solve the typical automation problems.

The QTP 12 is able to execute many commands of ADDS View-Point standard and moreover it recognizes and execute numerous other commands, as described in the following table:

QTP 12

 C O M M A N D








 Cursor Left




 Cursor Right




 Cursor Down




 Cursor Up




 Carriage Return




Carriage Return + Line Feed




 Absolute Cursor Position

 27 89 r c

 1B 59 r c







 Clear Page




 Clear Line




 Clear End of Line

 27 75

 1B 4B


 Clear End of Page

 27 107

 1B 6B

 ESC k

 Cursor Off

 27 80

 1B 50


Steady Cursor On

 27 79

 1B 4F


 Blinking block cursor on

 27 81

 1B 51


 Reading of Version Number

 27 86

 1B 56


Reading Card Code

 27 160

 1B A0


 Operating Mode Selection

27 65 mode 

1B 41 mode 

ESC A ASCII(mode) 

General Reset

 27 162

 1B A2


Communication Reset

 27 163

1B A3


 Fluorescent display Brightness Setting

27 108 lum

1B 6C lum

ESC l ASCII(lum)





 LED and BUZZER Activation

27 50 dev attr

1B 32 dev attr

ESC 2 ASCII(dev) ASCII(attr)

 Request for EEPROM Writing

 27 51

 1B 33

 ESC 3

 Writing of Presence Byte

 27 33 78 byte

 1B 21 4E byte

 ESC ! N ASCII(byte)

 Reading of Presence Byte

 27 33 110

 1B 21 6E

 ESC ! n

Write byte on EEPROM 

 27 164 addl addh byte

 1B A4 addl addh byte

 ESC ASCII(164) ASCII(addl) ASCII (addh) ASCII(byte)

 Read byte from EEPROM

 27 165 addl addh

 1B A4 addl addh

 ESC ASCII(164) ASCII(addl) ASCII (addh)

 Key code reconfiguration

27 55 key n. code

 1B 37 key n. code

ESC 7 ASCII(key n.) ASCII(code)

Keyclick ON without Memorization

 27 53

 1B 35

ESC 5 

Keyclick OFF without Memorization

 27 54

 1B 36

 ESC 6

Keyclick ON with Memorization

 27 33 53

 1B 21 35

ESC ! 5 

Keyclick OFF with Memorization

 27 33 54

 1B 21 36

 ESC ! 6

 Definition of User Character

 27 66 n.chr

 1B 42 nc.hr

 ESC B ASCII(n.chr)

 Definition and Memorization
of User Character

 27 33 66 n.chr

 1B 21 42 n.chr

 ESC ! B ASCII(n.chr)

Write Digital Output

 27 166 out

 1B A6 out


Enable Single Digital Output

 27 168 bit

 1B A8 bit


Disable Single Digital Output

 27 170 bit

 1B AA bit


 Reading of Max Message Number

 27 110

 1B 6E

 ESC n

Reading of Last Group and Message Managed 

 27 33 109

 1B 21 6D

 ESC ! m

 Select Current Message Group

 27 33 77 gr

1B 21 4D gr

 ESC ! M gr

Message Storage

 27 33 67
n. mess.
chr.0 ... chr.19

 1B 21 43
n. mess.
chr.0 ... chr.13

 ESC ! ASCII(n. mes.) ASCII(chr.0) ... ASCII(chr.19)

Message Reading

 27 33 69
n. mess.

 1B 21 45 n. mess.

 ESC ! E ASCII(n. mess. )

Visualization of "n" Messages

 27 33 68
n. mess. n

 1B 21 44
n. mess. n

 ESC ! D ASCII(n. mess. ) ASCII(n)

Set Automatic Visualization

  27 150
255 n.mess
lungh shift
r c

 1B 96
FF n.mess
lungh shift
r c

ASCII(255) ASCII(n.mess)
ASCII(lungh) ASCII(shift)


Messages Visualization

 27 33 83
n mess n.car.

 1B 21 53
n mess n.car.

 ESC ! S ASCII(n mess) ASCII(n.car.)

 Start I2CBUS

27 250

 1B FA


Stop I2CBUS 

 27 251

 1B FB


 Transmit byte on I2C BUS

 27 252 byte

 1B FC byte

ESC ASCII(252) ASCII(byte)

Receive byte from I2C BUS 

 27 253 ack

 1B FD ack

 ESC ASCII(253) ASCII(ack)

Write byte on Backed SRAM

 27 33 71
addr byte

  1B 21 47
addr byte

ASCII(addr) ASCII(byte)

 Read byte from Backed SRAM

 27 33 103

 1B 21 67

ESC ! g

 Set Clock

27 33 70 ore
min sec gio mes ann set

 1B 21 46 ore
min sec gio mes ann set

 ESC ! F ASCII(ore)
ASCII(min) ASCII(sec) ASCII(gio) ASCII(mes) ASCII(ann) ASCII(set

 Acquire Clock

27 33 102

 11B 21 6

ESC ! f

 Show Time

 27 33 116
r c frm

  1B 21 74
r c frm

 ESC ! t ASCII(r)

 Show Data

 27 33 100
r c frm

  1B 21 64
r c frm

 ESC ! d ASCII(r)

 Set Clock Alarm

 27 33 65 ore
min sec gio mes dton

 1B 21 41 ore
min sec gio mes dton

 ESC ! A ASCII(ore)
ASCII(min) ASCII(sec) ASCII(gio) ASCII(mes) ASCII(dton)

 Acquire Clock Alarm

 27 33 97

 1B 21 61

 ESC ! a

Graphic cursor position

 27 206 y x

 1B CE y x


Alphanumeric mode setting

 27 208

 1B D0


Graphic mode setting

 27 209

 1B D1


Graphic area setting

 27 241 x1 y1
x2 y2 cmd

 1B F1 x1 y1
x2 y2 cmd

ASCII(x2) ASCII(y2) ASCII(cmd)

Graphic font setting

 27 242 font

 1B F2 font

 ESC ASCII(242) ASCII(font)

Please remind that the last 5 commands are available only on QTP 12-GF2 model, provided of graphic display.

Both firmwares, once received the command and the necessary input parameters, perform autonomously the specified operation and at the end they return the possible results established by execution. The firmwares, that are really similar, are different for the user modalities, as below described:

A list of accessories can be used to speed up and simplify the connection of QTP 12 to the other electronic systems, as described below:

EL 12

The EL 12 module is a complete, low cost, power supply with extremely reduced dimension, that can be used in conjunction with grifo® cards as SDI 02, QTP 12, QTP 16Big, QTP 16, QTP 22, QTP 24, QTP G28, etc.


PC based

FLexible In-system Programmer


FLIP is a powerfull software tools, based on standard PC, that support the "In System Programming" (ISP) for the Atmel Flash I51 microcontrollers. It works with many communication protocols as RS232, USB and CAN joined with the most diffused operating systems Windows® 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP and Linux®.

It can be FREE downloaded from ATMEL web site


W95/NT 8051-BASIC Compiler

BASCOM-8051© is a Windows BASIC COMPILER for the 8051 family It is designed to run on W95/NT and has all the features of BASCOM LT. In addition it has full support for arrays and the single floating point type.

µ C / 5 1

ANSI C Compiler for 8051

Develop high quality software for any 8051 in ANSI C. µC/51 comes with an incredible optimizing compiler, you can even write software in ANSI C on 8051's with 1kB of code memory! µC/51 is absolutely complete: user friendly multi file Editor, Compiler, Assembler, Downloader, Source
Level Debugger. You will not need anything else.


Pascal Compiler per 8051

The Pascal dialect used is an almost complete version of Wirth's Pascal, extended to, in a simple way, to take advantage of the special hardware facilities contained in the 8051 and 80251 family chips. Versions 5 and 6 furthermore contains objects and separately compiled units.


The LadderWORK Integrated Development Enviroment (IDE)

The picture below, represents the apperance of the program LadderWORK on your computer. LadderWORK has an integrated enviroment feature, allowing you to draw schematics, compile programs and upload code to PLC always working on the same window. The integrated enviroments are composed by several parts described below. 


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