QTP Editor
Editor - Screen
Simulator for QTP user interfaces
QTP Editor is a software
package for Windows 9x that allows to create text screenshots
for the video terminals of QTP family, simulate the final
look of the screenshot according to the selected display and upload
the text to the terminal itself through the PC serial port.
The screenshots will be stored in the QTP non-volatile
memory as 20 characters long messages that the User
application program shall recall using the proper QTP
QTP Editor is provided
with an high level graphic interface featuring pull-down menus,
buttons, pop-up menus, icons, etc. that let access the program
functions in an easy and intuitive way; this features allow also
unexperienced people to use immediatly the program with profit.
Basically QTP Editor is
made of three components: Editor, Simulator and Communication
interface. The Editor allows to create the 20 characters
long messages using also the cut and paste functions; once created
the messages can be printed and saved to/loaded from disk. The
Simulator is provided with
a window that shows the look the message will have on the QTP
display; it is possible to display several messages, turn on,
off and place the cursor to a seleted position, clear the display,
activate a sliding message and simulate the messages management
matched to the Opto-Coupled inputs (featured by QTP16).
The Communication interface, then, allows to upload to and download
from the terminal all the messages; also master-slave protocol
and RS 422 or RS 485 (standard or IBC 01)
are available for communication.
A QTP Editor User can take
advantage of several characteristics implemented to simplify the
development of the application program, as described here:
- Reduction of User program code size, because all the messages
the QTP has to display are stored in the non-volatile
memory of the terminal
- Simplification of the screenshot creation phase, because
it is possible to watch immediatly the screenshot just created
- Reduction of the amount of informations transmitted from
master board to QTP, because to request the visualization
of a screenshot QTP must receive a 5 characters
long command, regardless to the display type
- Possibility to change the screenshots without having to change
the User application program code. It is so possible, for example,
to change the language of a certain device without neither touching
the management program.
The main features of QTP Editor
- Program made for Windows 95 or 98.
- Editor for the 20 characters long messages
provided with cut, copy and paste functions; messages can also
be printed or saved to/retrived from PC disk.
- Simulator to preview what the QTP display will show;i
t is possible to display several messages, turn on, off and place
the cursor to a selected position, clear the display, activate
a sliding message and simulate the messages management matched
to the Opto-Coupled inputs (featured by QTP16).
- Communication interface to upload/download the messages to/from
the QTP.
- User interface featuring pull-down menus, buttons,
pop-up menus, icons, etc. that let access the program functions
in a easy and intuitive way.
- Support for Italian and
English languages
- Support for QTP 03, QTP 4x6, QTP 16,
QTP 22 and QTP 24.
- Communication from 1.200 to 38.400 Baud through
COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4 both normal
and master-slave
- Support for RS 422 or RS 486 serial interface,
both standard and IBC 01
- Freeware! The program
can be Freely Used.
QTP Editor requires the
following structures to work properly:
A PC provided with:
- Windows 95 or 98 operating system.
- A serial line (COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4)
available to communicate to QTP.
- A printer (optional) with Windows 9x print driver
- A QTP video terminal (optional):
Page up-dated at 28 January,
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