grifo® Web Site Use Suggestions


In this document are reported some advises about grifo® web site use, with the intention to considerably help either the potential customer, that search for a product, or the real customer, that has already bought something.
Following this purpose, below are reported the objects most frequently required by the users, together with the most comfortable way that allows to reach the searched information with higher speed and security.

Whenever some information are still difficult to find, please contact directly grifo® offices.


NOTE: = 1)

Clicking the link of a PC executable that requires to be installed, the browser will pop up a window like this

In such case The first option must be always chosen (Run the application from current position).


NOTE: = 2)

Files copied from CD always have the "Read only" attribute set, it must be reset to use the file (mouse right key, menu properties, uncheck the box "Read only" ).


Once reached the site home page through a browser program (as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator), the user must select the languages and at this point, according to his object, the user can follows different ways as below described.

The ways here reported are presented in two different forms: the first defined Links reports the name of all the links (available in the HTML pages) that must be selected while the second defined Address is the pathname of the HTML file that must be opened. Both the forms carry to the same result, so the user can choose the preferible one.
When for an object are listed more different ways, the information are available in different point of the web site, with a different organization therefore it is preferible to explore all them.

1) Information on device programers:
Here are available the features of each models of programmers, erasers, expansion modules, package converters and adapters, management softwares, user's manuals, devices lists for the majority of programable components as EPROM, FLASH, EEPROM, GAL, MICROPROCESSOR, etc.:
| EPROMs, Monochips, PAL, GAL, etc. programmers |

2) Information on cards for automation:
Here are available the features of all the
grifo® cards suitable for industrial automation, divided in groups according to their type. Moreover are available three different documentation levels: table to quickly compare the cards, technical sheet to obtain a more detailed vision and technical manual to obtain all the necessary information:
Links: | CPUs Cards, Analog and Digital I/O tables |
Address: ...\Schede\uk_Table.htm

Address: ...\Schede\uk_in_ca.htm

3) Information on software development tools:
Here are available the features of all the software and firmware development tools for
grifo® cards or any other generic user hardware. The tools are divided in groups according with microprocessor type and often there are examples and explanation windows that better shows the use modalities. Furthermore the software development tools available for each grifo® card are listed even in the technical sheets, described at point 2, to allow a faster consultation:
Links: | CPUs Cards, Analog and Digital I/O tables | Languages |
Address: ... \Schede\uk_TLin.htm

Links: | Software Development Tools |
Address: ...\SOFT\uk_Tools.htm

4) Cards interconnection and expansion:
When a single card is not sufficient to satisfy the user requirements, it can be easily expanded with other cards. The possible expansion combinations are really numerous and they change according with used card but normally it is the physical format that establish how different cards can be interconnected. On web site it is available a table that divides cards upon their mechanical mounting and let the user check expandibility of any card:
| Site - Map | Mounting Type Research |

5) Operator interfaces:
Here are available the features of all
grifo® operator interfaces suitable for industrial automation. For each model are available three different documentation level: single line to quickly compare the products, technical sheet to obtain a more detailed vision and technical manual to obtain all the necessary information:
Links: | QTP - Operator panels |

6) Price list:
Once the products have been techically located the user can obtain its price directly from the price list that is available on web site in electronic format. When this PDF file has been opened with
Acrobat Reader the product price research is simplified by Search command but please insert properly the card name, for example don't forget the ® when a GPC® xxx card is required.
Please remind that the price list reports only the cards for industrial automation and the prices of the other products (software tools, programmers, development systems, etc.) must be directly required to

7) Manuals:
All the manual in electronic format for
grifo® hardware and software products are grouped in a single page on the web site; this page can be used to fastly obtain the necessary techical and use information. When the page has been opened the product research is simplified by Search command of the browser but please insert properly the card name, for example don't forget the ® when manual of GPC® xxx card is required.

Last Up-dated at January 24, 2009