Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

1. Is MICRO-C a full ANSI compiler?

2. Does MICRO-C run on a (Macintosh, UNIX box, etc...)?

3. Does MICRO-C output assembly code? Do I need an assembler?

4. Does MICRO-C support the (insert favorite processor)?

5. How much code can I fit in (nK) of memory?

6. What are the "extras" included in the developers kits?

7. Is your EMILY52 simulator really that fast?

8. Is MICRO-C really as good as you say it is?

9. What about upgrading my products?

10. Do you sell site licenses?

1. Is MICRO-C a full ANSI compiler?

No, MICRO-C is a "near ANSI" subset compiler.

It does however, support more of the 'C' language than most other subset compilers, including:

It DOES NOT support: Typedef, Long* / Double / Float / Enumerated data types, Bit fields.

32 bit "long" number math functions are provided in the library. These may be easily adjusted to manipulate even larger numbers. (8051 Compiler includes a floating point library)

2. Does MICRO-C run on a (Macintosh, UNIX box, etc...)?

At the present time, all of our official products run on the IBM PC under DOS or a DOS compatible operating system. We may be able to provide un-official ports to other platforms, however technical support will be minimal. Contact us for more information.

3. Does MICRO-C output assembly code? Do I need an assembler?

MICRO-C generates assembly code. All developers kits include our XASM cross assembler, which our IDE and CC commands automatically run for you, giving you a "one step" compile. A command option allows you to include the 'C' source code as comments in the ASM listing.

4. Does MICRO-C support the (insert favorite processor)?

See the CATALOG for a list of processors which we directly support. We have application notes on adapting the compiler to use with CPU variants (such as extra registers/ports or differing memory maps). If you need support for a different processor, please check with us. We may be planning a release for the processor you want (or perhaps you can "convince" us that is would be a good idea).

5. How much code can I fit in (nK) of memory?

That depends on so many factors that its impossible to give you a general answer. It is usually more that you would think, because MICRO-C produces fairly compact code. This is especially true with our "Developers Kits", because their libraries are hand-coded in assembly language, using very tight code. Here are some examples of applications:

6. What are the "extras" included in the developers kits?

LOTS of good stuff! Application notes. Utilities: Editors, File/Directory manupulation, TSR browser, listing and symbol table utilities, MAP file generator, ASCII encoder/archiver, Complete COMM/TTY package... more. Tiny MS-DOS compatible file system in C. Files for "embedding" PC's, Multi-tasking kernal for some cpu's. Not to mention all the good stuff on our DEMO diskette which is included at no charge.

7. Is your EMILY52 simulator really that fast?

EMILY's speed is dependant on your PC (>150,000 inst/sec on 386/25, >500,000 inst/sec on 486/33). My tests have shown EMILY on the 386/25 to be roughly equivalent to a 4Mhz 8052. For example, a customer reported that an algorithm that should take about 1 second on a 12Mhz 8052 took 3 seconds under EMILY. The same program took over 20 MINUTES under another popular simulator.

8. Is MICRO-C really as good as you say it is?

Sturgeons Rule has it that 90% of science fiction is junk. A similar rule applies to PC software, but I'd say that 90% is a lower bound. Once in a while, though, you find a product that makes up for the rest.. If price has kept you out of the microcontroller C market, you have no further excuses. Micro-C is as good as it gets!

9. What about upgrading my products?

All upgrades are priced at 50% of our CURRENT catalogue price (rounded up to the nearest dollar).

To be eligible, you must have sent in your product registration form to us, and be in our customer database. (Send in that registration now!)    If you purchased your product directly from us, you are already in our database.

You MUST include your DDS Serial Number when ordering an upgrade. Back to Top

10. Do you sell site licenses?

YES!  Site licensing is available on any of our products.  Our standard license is one that allows up to 25 users, and is generally priced at 5 times the individual product price (eg:  a 25 user site license for the 8051 Developers Kit would be priced at $ 500 USD.  PLEASE NOTE:  Site licenses are ONLY available from Dunfield Development Systems.  They are NOT offered through our distributors.

© 1998 Dunfield Development Systems

Last Updated:  Friday, November 13, 1998

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