' PicBasic Pro program to demonstrate conversion to and from BCD. pinout VAR PORTC.6 ' Define serial output pin pinin VAR PORTC.7 ' Define serial input pin bcdin VAR BYTE ' BCD data in bcdout VAR BYTE ' BCD data out binhold VAR BYTE ' Binary data addamt CON 12 ' Set value to add ADCON1 = 7 ' Set ports A and E to digital loop: SerOut2 pinout,396,["Enter 2-digit decimal number:",10,13] ' Send prompt to user SerIn2 pinin,396,[HEX2 bcdin] ' Receive 2 characters as BCD data with the HEX2 modifier binhold = ((bcdin & $f0)>>4*10)+(bcdin & $0f) ' Convert bcdin to binary binhold = binhold + addamt ' Add addamt to binary value IF binhold>99 Then errmess ' Make sure result is less than 100 bcdout = ((binhold/10)<<4)+(binhold//10) ' Convert binhold to BCD ' Send data as BCD with the HEX2 modifier SerOut2 pinout,396,[HEX2 bcdin, " + ", DEC addamt, " = ", HEX2 bcdout,10,13] GoTo loop ' Do it forever errmess: ' Send error message SerOut2 pinout,396,[10,13,"ERROR: Result greater than 99",10,13,10,13] GoTo loop ' Begin again End