Programmi della DDS

This area contains a selection of files from our BBS.

Some Files Also available on CompuServe in the Software Development Forum (GO SDFORUM), Library 12.

DDS Product DEMO files


DASM110.ZIP (31k) Demo of DDS Cross-Disassemblers

DLM140.ZIP ( 26 K ) PC datascope Monitor Async Communications.

EMILY52.ZIP ( 76 K ) Ultra high speed 8051/52 Simulator.

EMILY320.ZIP ( 75 K ) Ultra high speed 80C320 Simulator.

MC314EMB.ZIP ( 228 K ) Micro-C Developers Kit - lets you compile/assemble, load and debug code on a simulated embedded controller.

XASM250.ZIP ( 171K ) XASM cross assemblers supporting the following CPUs: 6800/01/05/08/09/11/16 6502 8052/85/86/96.

Freeware Programs and Utilities


ALPS.ZIP ( 39 K ) $ Resident editor/asm/disasm/debugger for 8080/85/Z80.

BASIC85.ZIP ( 46 K ) $ BASIC for 8080/85/Z80 (with ASM Source).

BOOTMENU.ZIP (20k) $ Select Autoexec/Config when PC boots

KIDSMENU.ZIP ( 23 K ) $ A menuing system for kids.

MBASIC.ZIP ( 28 K ) $ BASIC with Micro-C Source Code.

MC314PC1.ZIP ( 232 K ) Micro-C/PC Compiler 1 - Docs and Executables.

MC314PC2.ZIP ( 294 K ) Micro-C/PC Compiler 2 - over 70 example programs.

MICROCAD.ZIP ( 54 K ) $ A tiny ( 12 K ) VGA drawing program.

PCUTIL13.ZIP ( 136 K ) Miscellaneous programmers utilities.

Micro-C and ASM support files


APPNOTES.ZIP ( 11 K ) DDS Micro-C /ASM product application notes.

BBSIO51.ZIP ( 1 K ) $ "bit-bang" serial I/O functions for the 8051.

BIN2ASMC.ZIP ( 5 K ) Convert binary files to ASM or C data structures.

EMBEDPC.ZIP ( 56 K ) $ Files for "embedded" PCs. Includes a boot disk maker, a DOS compatable file system, windowing functions and more.

INT51.ZIP ( 2 K ) $ Micro-C and ASM examples of an 8051 timer interrupt.

PARSESYM.ZIP ( 4 K ) Parse symbol tables to build EQU for linking separate XASM and /or Micro-C modules.

SERINT51.ZIP ( 3 K ) $ Interrupt serial I/O example for 8051.

Projects and Hardware Designs


8031DESI.ZIP ( 19 K ) Several 8031 designs showing different memory schemes.

8051ICE.ZIP ( 25 K ) LOW COST In-Circuit Emulator for 8051.

EPROMKIT.ZIP ( 40 K ) Stand-Alone EPROM Programmer.

IR232KIT.ZIP ( 27 K ) Serial Infrared Controller.

DARC.ZIP (47k) Dunfield Amateur Radio/Repeater Controller

ICOMCIV.ZIP (27k) Interface to computer control ICOM ham radios

HTX242.ZIP (22k) Computer control HTX242 ham radio via mike jack

Related Third Party Files (non - DDS)


ARROWASM.ZIP ( 59 K ) PD Microsoft compatable assembler.

VAL.ZIP ( 33 K ) PD Microsoft compatable linker.

LIB.ZIP (23k) PD Intel/Microsoft compatible librarian


FLOAT51.ZIP ( 10 K ) $ Micro-C callable 8051 floating point library.

MX11.ZIP ( 66 K ) $ Micro-C compatable 68HC11 multitasking kernal.


PKZip For Windows and DOS

Pagina Aggiornata al 17 Settembre 1997

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