' ********************************************************************** ' ** Program name: WEE51.BAS - Version : 1.2 - 05 June 2000 ** ' ** Compiler : BASCOM 8051 DEMO, (IDE V., LIB V.2.0) ** ' ** Board : K51-AVR ** ' ** Firm: grifo(r) ITALIAN TECHNOLOGY ** ' ** Via Dell' Artigiano 8/6 40016 San Giorgio di Piano (BO) ** ' ** Tel.+39 051 892 052 Fax +39 051 893 661 ** ' ** http://www.grifo.com http://www.grifo.it ** ' ** sales@grifo.it tech@grifo.it grifo@grifo.it ** ' ** ** ' ** Written by: Adriano Pedrielli ** ' ********************************************************************** ' ' This program allows to write to a serial EEPROM on IC4 (max 24c08), ' with addresses ranging from &H400 to &H7ff, addresses from &H0 to ' &H0FF are taken by IC7 (RTC PCF8583) while addresses from &H100 to ' &H3FF are free space. ' At start the program shows the address where to write, through keys ' T1 and T2 the value in incremented or decremented. ' Through key T3 the address is accepted, then the value to write is ' selected through T1 and T2, as last press key T3 to write. ' Whenever a key is pressed, an acoustic signal is emitted. ' After the operation is terminated the selected address and the written ' data are shown one after the other. ' ' Before compiling set in menu Option/Compiler/Misc: Byte End 5F. ' '*********************************************************************** ' '********************* Compiler Directives ***************************** ' ' $regfile = "REG51.DAT" ' elenco registri 8xc51 '$regfile = "89c2051.DAT" ' elenco registri 89c2051 $romstart = &H0 ' code starting address $crystal = 11059200 ' CPU clock frequence Config Debounce = 50 ' Time to wait before considering ' a key as pressed ' E.g.: 10= 10ms, 50= 50ms ' ' *************** List PINs for use with 89c1051/2051/4051 ********************* ' 'Config Sda = P1.7 ' Pin 19 DATA signal for I2CBUS 'Config Scl = P1.6 ' Pin 18 Clock signal for I2CBUS 'T1 Alias P1.5 ' Pin 17 connected to key T1 'T2 Alias P1.4 ' Pin 16 connected to key T2 'T3 Alias P1.3 ' Pin 15 connected to key T3 'Buz Alias P3.5 ' Pin 9 connected to Buzzer ' ' *************************** List PINs for use with 8xc51 ********************* Buz Alias P3.5 ' Pin 15 connected to buzzer Config Sda = P3.6 ' Pin 16 DATA signal for I2CBUS Config Scl = P3.7 ' Pin 17 Clock signal for I2CBUS T1 Alias P1.0 ' Pin 1 connected to key T1 T2 Alias P1.1 ' Pin 2 connected to key T2 T3 Alias P1.2 ' Pin 3 connected to key T3 ' '********************* Constants declaration *************************** ' Dim Saa1064 As Const &H38 ' Slave address SAA1064 Dim Wsaa1064 As Const &H70 ' Slave address SAA1064 in Write Dim Rsaa1064 As Const &H71 ' Slave address SAA1064 in Read ' ******************** List addresses of Saa1064 *********************** Dim Ctb As Const 0 ' Address Control byte Dim Dig1 As Const 1 ' Address Digit 1 Dim Dig2 As Const 2 ' Address Digit 2 Dim Dig3 As Const 3 ' Address Digit 3 Dim Dig4 As Const 4 ' Address Digit 4 ' ' ********************************************************************** ' Dim Wee As Const &HA0 ' Slave address 24cXX in Write Dim Ree As Const &HA1 ' Slave address 24cXX in Read ' ********************************************************************** ' Dim R As Const 1 ' value to read from EEPROM Dim W As Const 0 ' value to write to EEPROM ' '*********************** Variables declaration ************************* ' Dim Dig As Byte ' value of a digit Dim Cifh As Byte ' 4 bit high in HEX for figure Dim Cifl As Byte ' 4 bit low in HEX for figure Dim Nb As Byte ' byte for DY3 and DY4 Dim Nw As Word ' word for DY1, DY2, DY3 and DY4 Dim Ind As Word ' 16 Bit address for I2CBUS etc. Dim W_r As Byte ' select read or write using R and W Dim Hind As Byte ' high byte of Ind Dim Lind As Byte ' low byte of Ind Dim X As Byte ' data to write Dim Valore As Byte ' generic use ' '********************** Procedure declarations ************************* ' Declare Sub Iniz ' Peripherals initialization Declare Sub Cifre (valore As Byte , Cifh As Byte , Cifl As Byte ) ' converts a number in 2 HEX figures Declare Sub Digit (dig As Byte ) ' Converts a number in range 0-F in 7 segments Declare Sub Vis_byte (nb As Byte) ' visualizes a byte in HEX Declare Sub Vis_word (nw As Word) ' visualizes a word in HEX Declare Sub I2cbus (ind As Word , Valore As Byte , W_r As Byte) ' reads from/writes to I2CBUS ' '************************* Programma main ****************************** ' Main: ' Delay for signals settling Waitms 1 Call Iniz ' initializations Ind = &H400 ' address for IC4 X = 0 ' data to write Do Call Vis_word(ind) ' visualize address Debounce T1 , 0 , Inc_ind , Sub ' if pressed increment Ind Debounce T2 , 0 , Dec_ind , Sub ' if pressed decrement Ind Loop Until T3 = 0 ' exit if pressed T3 Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Bitwait T3 , Set ' wait for T3 released Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Do Call Vis_byte(x) ' visualize data to write Debounce T1 , 0 , Inc_x , Sub ' if pressed incremen X Debounce T2 , 0 , Dec_x , Sub ' if pressed decrement X Loop Until T3 = 0 ' exit if pressed T3 Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Bitwait T3 , Set ' wait for T3 released Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Call I2cbus(ind , X , W) ' write value to I2cBUS Do Call Vis_word(ind) ' visualize address Wait 1 ' delay of 1 second Call Vis_byte(x) ' visualize data to write Wait 1 ' delay of 1 second Loop ' loop forever Inc_ind: Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Incr Ind ' increment Ind Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Return Dec_ind: Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Decr Ind ' decrement Ind Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Return Inc_x: Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Incr X ' increment X Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Return Dec_x: Buz = 0 ' turn on the buzzer Waitms 50 ' delay Decr X ' decrement X Buz = 1 ' turn off the buzzer Return End ' '**************************** Program end ****************************** ' ' '**************************** Procedures ******************************** ' ' ********************** Peripherals initialization ******************** ' This procedure performs all the system initializations. ' Parameters: ' Input : nothing ' Output : nothing ' ************************************************************************ ' ' Sub Iniz ' Peripherals initialization Do I2creceive Rsaa1064 , Valore ' Read the status register Loop Until Valore = 0 ' Wait for SAA1064 to turn on I2cstart ' Start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Wsaa1064 ' Communicate the Slave address I2cwbyte Ctb ' Point to control register I2cwbyte &B00100111 ' bit0 =1 dynamic mode ' bit1 =1 digit 1+3 not blanked ' bit2 =1 digit 2+4 not blanked ' bit3 =0 no test segment ' bit4 =0 no 3mA segment current ' bit5 =1 6mA segment current ' bit6 =0 no 12mA segment current ' bit7 =0 indifferent I2cwbyte 0 ' sets DY1 off I2cwbyte 0 ' sets DY2 off I2cwbyte 0 ' sets DY3 off I2cwbyte 0 ' sets DY4 off I2cstop End Sub ' ' ************* Reads from/Writes to I2CBUS ****************************** ' This procedure reads from or writes to I2CBUS in the addresses range ' from &H000 to &H7FF on IC4 (EEPROM 24cxx) or IC7 (RTC PCF8583). ' Parameters: ' Input : Ind as words, contains the device's address ' Valore as byte, value to write ' W_R as byte, = 0 writes, = 1 reads. ' Uses 2 global variables : Hind and Lind type Byte. ' Output : Valore as byte, value read. ' ******************************************************************* ' Sub I2cbus(ind As Word , Valore As Byte , W_r As Byte) ' Reads from/Writes to I2CBUS Hind = High(ind) ' store the high byte Lind = Low(ind) ' store the low byte Hind = Hind And 7 ' mask the 3 low bits clr c ' reset carry Rotate Hind , Left ' left shift of 1 bit Hind = Hind Or Wee ' sum slave address with writing If W_r = 0 Then ' check if must read or write I2cstart ' Start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Hind ' Communicate the Slave address I2cwbyte Lind ' address of EEPROM I2cwbyte Valore ' value to write I2cstop ' Stop sequence for I2CBUS Waitms 10 ' delay of 10ms needed by the ' EEPROM after each writing Else I2cstart ' Start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Hind ' Communicate the Slave address I2cwbyte Lind ' address of EEPROM Hind = Hind Or Ree ' sum slave address with reading I2cstart ' repeat start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Hind ' Communicate the Slave address I2crbyte Valore , Nack ' read I2cstop ' stop sequence for I2CBUS End If End Sub ' ' *********** Converts a figure in range from 0 to F in 7 segments ***** ' This procedure converts a figure in range from 0 to F in 7 segments ' format, if value is greater than F the display is off. ' Parameters: ' Input : dig as byte, value from 0 to F ' Output : dig as byte, value in 7 segments format. ' ************************************************************************ Sub Digit (dig As Byte ) ' Converts a number in range 0-F in 7 segments If Dig < 16 Then ' number is lower than 16 Dig = Lookup(dig , Tab_7seg) ' read value in table Else Dig = 0 ' if = 16 or greater reset End If End Sub ' ' ***************** Converts 1 byte in two HEX figures ******************** ' This procedure converts 1 byte in range from 0 to 255 in two 4 bits hexadecimal ' figures. ' Parameters: ' Input : Valore as byte, value in the range from 0 to 255 ' Output : Cifh as byte, figure of high nibble ' Cifl as byte, figure of low nibble ' ************************************************************************ ' Sub Cifre (valore As Byte , Cifh As Byte , Cifl As Byte ) ' converts a number in two HEX figures Cifh = Valore And &HF0 ' mask 4 high bits Cifh = Cifh / 16 ' shift to low the 4 high bits Cifl = Valore And &H0F ' mask the 4 low bits End Sub ' ' *********************** Visualizes a byte in HEX ********************** ' This procedure allows to show a byte in hexadecimal format. ' E.g.: 255= FFH, 32= 20H etc. ' Parameters: ' Input : Nb as byte, figure to show in HEX format ' Output : nothing ' ************************************************************************ ' Sub Vis_byte (nb As Byte) ' visualizes a byte in HEX I2cstart ' Start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Wsaa1064 ' slave address I2cwbyte Dig1 ' point to display 1 (DY1) I2cwbyte 0 ' set DY1 off I2cwbyte 0 ' set DY2 off Call Cifre(nb , Cifh , Cifl) ' convert number in 2 HEX figures Call Digit(cifh) ' convert the figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY3 Call Digit(cifl) ' convert the figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY4 I2cstop ' Stop sequence for I2CBUS End Sub ' ' *********************** Visualizes a Word in HEX ********************** ' The first two displays (DY1 and DY2) show the high byte, while the last two ' show the low byte (DY3 and DY4). ' This procedure allows to show a Word in hexadecimal format. ' E.g.: 65535= FFFFH, 257= 101H etc. ' Parameters: ' Input : Nw as word, number to visualize in HEX ' Output : nothing ' ************************************************************************ ' Sub Vis_word (nw As Word) ' visualizza un byte in HEX I2cstart ' Start sequence for I2CBUS I2cwbyte Wsaa1064 ' slave address I2cwbyte Dig1 ' point to display 1 (DY1) Nb = High(nw) Call Cifre(nb , Cifh , Cifl) ' convert number in 2 HEX figures Call Digit(cifh) ' convert HEX figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY1 Call Digit(cifl) ' convert HEX figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY2 Nb = Low(nw) Call Cifre(nb , Cifh , Cifl) ' convert number in 2 HEX figures Call Digit(cifh) ' convert HEX figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY3 Call Digit(cifl) ' convert HEX figure in 7 segments I2cwbyte Dig ' output to display DY4 I2cstop ' Stop sequence for I2CBUS End Sub ' ' ' ************* Conversion table for 7 segments figure in the range from 0 to 15 ******* Tab_7seg: ' num. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Data &H3F , &H06 , &H5B , &H4F , &H66 , &H6D , &H7D , &H07 , &H7F , &H6F ' num. A b C d E F Data &H77 , &H7C , &H39 , &H5E , &H79 , &H71 ' ************************************************************************************** '