Multi Serial Interface

MSI 01 English Tech. Manual PDF format.

Ver.5.00 - Preliminary - Rel. xxx.

MSI 01 - Universal Version

The MSI 01 is a simple interface card between the most frequently used serial communication electric protocols. In details the card converts a TTL serial line into an RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop serial line.

The mechanical mounting of the card is simplified by four proper holes, while the electric connection is performed through two confortable connectors: one for the TTL serial line and the other for the buffered line.

The last connector follows standard grifo® pin out (the comfortable CCR.Plugxx cable can be used) that make easier the development of both point to point or network connections.

The MSI 01 typical applications are all those where data must be exchanged between two or more intelligent systems provided of a TTL serial line, especially when a noise resistant link or long distance connection is required. It is really interesting the abbination with GPC® R63 or GPC® T63 control card that takes advantage of all its features.

MSI 01

TTL to RS 232 converter 


MSI 01.RS422

TTL to RS 422 converter


MSI 01.RS485

TTL to RS 485 converter



TTL to passive Current Loop

Last Up-dated at April 23, 2003

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