C P Us Cards

Europe Single size

List of CPUs cards, Europe Single size mm.100x160, available for Abaco® family. From this list it is possible to have a direct access to the single data sheet.


 GPC® 15A

General Purpose Controller Full CMOS; 10 MHZ 84C15 ZILOG CPU; 128K SRAM, 512K EPROM or FLASH; Real Time Clock plus 8K RAM Lithium battery backed; 8K serial EEPROM; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 32 or 40 TTL I/O lines; 2 status LEDs; CTC witch 4 8 bits Timer Counter; Watch Dog; 12 dip switch; Buzzer; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 150

General Purpose Controller Full CMOS; 16 MHZ 84C15 ZILOG CPU; 512K SRAM witch Lithium battery backed, 512K EPROM or FLASH; Real Time Clock witch Lithium battery backed; 4M serial FLASH; 8K serial EEPROM; 8 A/D 12 bit lines; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 32 or 40 TTL I/O lines; 2 status LEDs; CTC witch 4 8 bits Timer Counter; Watch Dog; 12 dip switch; Buzzer; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 188D

General Purpose Controller, 80C188 20 MHz INTEL CPU. 256K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 256K EPROM or FLASH; UART 85C30 with 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 8K serial EEPROM; 24 TTL I/O lines; Abaco® I/O BUS interface; 2 16 bits Counter; 2 puls generator; 2 status LEDs; 8 dip switch; Watch Dog; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 188F

General Purpose Controller, 80C188 20 MHz INTEL CPU. 256K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 256K EPROM or FLASH; UART 85C30 with 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 8K serial EEPROM; 24 TTL I/O lines; 2 16 bits Counter; 2 puls generator; 8 dip switch; Watch Dog; LM 12H458 with 8 S&H A/D Converter 13 bits lines, 5.5 µs; 2 status LEDs; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 451

General Purpose Controller ,80C451 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU; 64K EPROM; 32K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 32 TTL I/O lines; 1 RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485 line; Watch dog; 4 dip switch; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 51

General Purpose Controller; 80C32, 87C52, 80C52 AH BASIC, 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU; 32K SRAM backed Lithium battery; 64K EPROM; 16 I/O TTL; Buzzer; 3 Timer Counter; 1 RS 232 line; Keyboard controller for 64 key; 7 segment LED Display controller for 16 digits; on-board EPROM programmer; 8 Dip Switch; 4 A/D 11 bits lines; Real Time Clock; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 51D

General Purpose Controller; 80C320, 87C520, 22.1184 MHz DALLAS CPU; 32K SRAM backed Lithium battery; 64K EPROM; 16 I/O TTL; Buzzer; 3 Timer Counter; 2 RS 232 lines; Keyboard controller for 64 key; 7 segment LED Display controller for 16 digits; on-board EEPROM programmer; 8 Dip Switch; 4 A/D 11 bits lines; Real Time Clock; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 535

General Purpose Controller; 80C535 11.0592 MHz SIEMENS CPU; 64K EPROM; 32K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 16 TTL I/O lines; 1 RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485 line; Watch dog; Buzzer; 8 dip switch; Incremental Encoder 3 lines counter; 8 A/D 10 bits lines; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 550

General Purpose Controller; 80C552 22 MHz PHILIPS CPU; 64K EPROM; 32K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 40 TTL I/O lines; 1/2 RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485 line; CAN linee; Watch dog; Buzzer; 8 dip switch; 3 lines counter; 8 A/D 10 bits lines; 2 PWM; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 68

General Purpose Controller, MC 68000 8÷16MHz MOTOROLA CPU; 512K SRAM; 512K EPROM; 768K SRAM/EPROM max; DUART MC 68681 witch 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485 line. MC 68230 witch 3 8 bits parallel port (24 TTL I/O lines) and 3 timer counter. Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® F2

General Purpose Controller; 80C32, 87C52, 80C52 AH BASIC, 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU; 32K SRAM; 48K EPROM; 16 I/O TTL; Buzzer; 3 CPU Timer Counter; 2 82C54 Timer Counter; 1 RS 232 line; on-board EPROM programmer; 8 Dip Switch; Real Time Clock backed Lithium battery; Abaco® BUS interface



General Purpose Controller; 80C320, 87C520, 11.0592 MHz DALLAS CPU; 32K SRAM; 48K EPROM; 16 I/O TTL; Buzzer; 3 CPU Timer Counter; 2 82C54 Timer Counter; 1 RS 232 line; on-board EPROM programmer; 8 Dip Switch; Real Time Clock backed Lithium battery; Abaco® BUS interface


 IAS 02

Intelligent Axis Sistem for 2÷3 indipendent axis; 80C32, 87C52, 80C52 AH BASIC, 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU or 80C320, 87C520, 11.0592 MHz DALLAS CPU; 32K SRAM; 32K EPROM; Real Time Clock plus 8K RAM Lithium battery backed; 1 RS 232 line; 9 TTL I/O; Incremental Encoder 3 lines counter and 2 12 Bits D/A Converter, each all galvanicaly isulated; Watch Dog; Local DC/DC Converter; Abaco® BUS interface


CPU 01

Central Processor Unit. Z80 6MHz ZILOG CPU; 64K DRAM; 32K EPROM; Abaco® BUS interface


CPU 03

Central Processor Unit; Z80 6MHz ZILOG CPU; 192K SRAM; 64K EPROM; 1 RS 232 serial lines; Abaco® BUS interface


CPU 84

Central Processor Unit; Z80 6MHz ZILOG CPU; 64K SRAM; 32K EPROM; Abaco® BUS interface

GPC® 01

General Purpose Controller; 80C32, 87C52, 80C52 AH BASIC, 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU; 32K SRAM; 32K EPROM; 16 I/O TTL; Buzzer; Keyboard controller for 64 key; 7 segment LED Display controller for 16 digits; 1 RS 232 line; EE BUS interface


GPC® 02

General Purpose Controller;80C32, 87C52, 80C52 AH BASIC, 11.0592 MHz INTEL CPU; 32K SRAM backed Lithium battery; 32K EPROM; 16 TTL I/O lines; Buzzer; Keyboard controller for 64 key; 7 segment LED Display controller for 16 digits; 1 RS 232 line; 8 Dip Switch; 4 A/D 10 bits lines; Abaco® BUS interface


GPC® 180

General Purpose Controller; HD64180 9 MHz HITACHI CPU; 48 TTL I/O lines; 1 MBytes SRAM/EPROM of whitch 384K SRAM Lithium battery backed; Real Time Clock plus 2K RAM Lithium battery backed; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232 or RS 422 line; Watch Dog; 4 dip switch; Abaco® BUS interface


GPC® 188

General Purpose Controller, 80C188 12.5 MHz INTEL CPU. 256K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 256K EPROM; UART 85C30 with 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485 line. 2K serial EEPROM; 24 TTL I/O lines; 2 Timer Counter; 8 S&H A/D Converter 13 bits lines; Real Time Clock Lithium battery backed; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 65

General Purpose Controller; R6501AQ 8MHz ROCKWEL CPU; 32K SRAM backed Lithium battery; 32K EPROM; 48 TTL I/O lines; Watch Dog; Keyboard controller for 64 key; 7 segment LED Display controller for 16 digits; 1 serial line RS 423 or RS 422; 8 Dip Switch; 4 A/D 11 bits lines; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 80

General Purpose Controller Full CMOS; 8 MHZ 84C00 ZILOG CPU; 256K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 256K EPROM; Real Time Clock battery backed; 8K serial EEPROM; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 16 TTL I/O lines; 1 status LED; CTC witch 4 8 bits Timer Counter; Watch Dog; 8 dip switch; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 80F

General Purpose Controller Full CMOS; 8 MHZ 84C00 ZILOG CPU; 256K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 256K EPROM or FLASH; Real Time Clock battery backed; 8K serial EEPROM; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 16 TTL I/O lines; 1 status LED; CTC witch 4 8 bits Timer Counter; Watch Dog; 8 dip switch; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 81F

General Purpose Controller Full CMOS; 8 MHZ 84C00 ZILOG CPU; 64K SRAM, 512K EPROM or FLASH; Real Time Clock plus 8K RAM Lithium battery backed; 8K serial EEPROM; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 RS 232, RS 422, RS 485 or Current Loop line. 24 TTL I/O lines; 1 status LED; Watch Dog; 4 A/D Converter 11 bits lines; 8 dip switch; Abaco® BUS interface


 GPC® 97

General Purpose Controller; 16 bits 8097 12 MHz INTEL CPU; 16K SRAM Lithium battery backed; 32K EPROM; 32 I/O lines; 2 serial lines: 1 RS 232 line; 1 TTL line; 8 A/D Converter 10 bits lines; Real Time Clock battery backed; Buzzer; 8 dip switch; Watch Dog; 4 16 bits Timer; Abaco® BUS interface


 XTA 01

XT PC Compatible for Abaco® Industrial BUS. 10 MHz V20 NEC CPU; 8087 coprocessor; 640K DRAM; 2 RS 232 or RS 422 lines; Centronics interface; Buzzer; Real Time Clock; Keyboard input; Abaco® BUS interface

Page up-dated at May 10, 2014

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