MB3 01

Mother Board 3 slots

MB3 01 English Tech. Manual PDF format.

Ver. 5.10 - Rel. 11 April 2003.

Back panel MB3 01 has been designed to provide the User support panels for interfacing boards provided of industrial Abaco® BUS. It includes all the mechanical features for a direct mounting on any 3HE rack and it can host up to three Abaco® BUS boards.

MB3 01 is the right choice for all the applications that must use at most 3 cards with Abaco® BUS in a very reduced space, getting size optimization and costs reduction. If MB3 01 is insufficent for the application to build, other back panels, belonging to grifo® industrial cards listing, can be used to fulfil the requirements of the User application.

Data Shee MB3 01, Rel. 00.10

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